Keynotes & networking
Keynotes & networking
- Languages
- Mobile
- Game Dev
- Cloud
- Security
- Methods
- Big Data
- User Experience
- Motivational
- Innovation
- Devops
- Makers / IoT
- Functional Programming
- Reactive Programming
- Architecture
- Front-end
11:20 / 12:00 Room 8
12:10 / 13:10 Room 1
12:10 / 13:10 Room 4
Perché nel 2015 parliamo ancora di C++?
Marco Arena
12:10 / 13:10 Room 6
14:10 / 14:50 Room 1
Speeding up the Web with PHP 7
Rasmus Lerdorf
15:00 / 16:00 Room 4
14:10 / 14:50 Room 3
Swift and the future of iOS app development
Chiara Chiappini
14:10 / 14:50 Room 2
Android Wear iBeacon development
Kseniia Shumelchyk
14:10 / 14:50 Room 5
16:20 / 17:00 Room 2
The Little Shop of TDD Horrors
Giorgio Natili
17:10 / 17:50 Room 4
It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native)
Gianluca Esposito
11:20 / 12:00 GameDev
The evolution in the design of FATAL ERROR
Ciro Continisio
12:10 / 13:10 GameDev
Mobile senza Unity: il caso SBK
Giuseppe Navarria
15:00 / 16:00 GameDev
InvaderGames - Dalle Game Jam al Giapppone
Andrea Bonsignore
16:20 / 17:00 GameDev
Storytelling in games is (not) the new black
Matteo Pozzi
17:10 / 17:50 GameDev
Why You Should Start Making Games Right Now
Marina Rossi
11:20 / 12:00 Room 4
Docker: Why, What, and For What?
Adrian Mouat
12:10 / 13:10 Room 5
IBM Bluemix: The Cloud APP revolution
Najla Said
14:10 / 14:50 Room 8
Lab Handson: Cloud - Build a Microservices System with Bluemix
Rossella De Gaetano
16:20 / 17:00 Room 3
The AutoScout24 Technology Change - crazy or trendsetting?
Simon Hohenadl
11:20 / 12:00 Room 1
DevOoops (Increase awareness around DevOps infra security)
Gianluca Varisco
16:20 / 17:00 Room 4
Lean Frontend Development
Matteo Guidotto
11:20 / 12:00 Room 5
How to use HP HEAVEN-on-demand functions for Big Data apps
Gianluigi Viganò
12:10 / 13:10 Room 3
Events storage and analysis with Riak at
Damien Krotkine
17:10 / 17:50 Room 1
Graphs are everywhere!
Andrea Iacono
11:20 / 12:00 Room 3
UX for Developers. Seriously!
Agnieszka Naplocha
15:00 / 16:00 Room 2
remote working per un imprenditore, istruzioni all'uso
Francesco Fullone
14:10 / 14:50 GameDev
Game design as a self-transformative practice
Stefano Gualeni
15:00 / 16:00 Room 6
15:00 / 16:00 Room 3
Vagrant for real
Michele Orselli
17:10 / 17:50 Room 5
Docker 101
Luciano Fiandesio
11:20 / 12:00 Room 6
Robotics for JS
Julian Cheal
16:20 / 17:00 Room 6
Windows 10 IOT Core
Mirco Vanini
17:10 / 17:50 Room 6
An Adventure with ESP8266 firmwares and IOT
Andrea De Gaetano
15:00 / 16:00 Room 1
The Magic of Elixir
Gabriele Lana
17:10 / 17:50 Room 3
Reactive Extensions (Rx) 101
Tamir Dresher
11:20 / 12:00 Room 2
14:10 / 14:50 Room 6
16:20 / 17:00 Room 5
Designing Microservices based systems
Thiyagu Palanisamy
12:10 / 13:10 Room 2
CSS3 Layouts: Flexbox vs CSS Grid
Sara Vieira
16:20 / 17:00 Room 1