Download agenda


Keynotes & networking


Keynotes & networking

Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5Room 6GameDevRoom 8
09:00 / 09:30Doors open / Networking coffee
09:30 / 09:40Opening by Codemotion
09:40 / 10:10Keynote

Keynote Paypal: The Operating System of Payments: UX and Security in Modern Apps - by Joe Nash

Keynote HP: Big Data - from theory to practice with the simplicity of HPE HAVEN-on-demand - by Guido Pezzin

10:15 / 11:00Keynote

Keynote track Languages - Room 1: Coding and Dreaming with PHP for over 20 years - by Rasmus Lerdorf

11:00 / 11:20Coffee break
11:20 / 12:00

DevOoops (Increase awareness around DevOps infra security)


Gianluca Varisco (Arduino)

Explorations in Cooperative, Distributed Systems with Uber's Ringpop


Jeff Wolski (Uber)

UX for Developers. Seriously!

User Experience

Agnieszka Naplocha (Adobe)

Docker: Why, What, and For What?


Adrian Mouat (Container Solutions)

How to use HP HEAVEN-on-demand functions for Big Data apps

Big Data

Gianluigi Viganò (HP Enterprise)

Robotics for JS

Makers / IoT

Julian Cheal (Oracle)

The evolution in the design of FATAL ERROR

Game Dev

Ciro Continisio (Unity Technologies), Ennio Pirolo (Team ERROR)

Women super code lab – Improve your skills with TDD Pair Programming code session


Manuela Munaretto (XPeppers), Gabriele Lana (CleanCode), Filippo Liverani (XPeppers)

12:10 / 13:10

Handling Millions of Concurrent Users with Erlang/OTP


Manuel Rubio (Altenwald Solutions, S.L.)

CSS3 Layouts: Flexbox vs CSS Grid


Sara Vieira (CodeSandbox)

Events storage and analysis with Riak at

Big Data

Damien Krotkine (

Perché nel 2015 parliamo ancora di C++?


Marco Arena (Ferrari)

IBM Bluemix: The Cloud APP revolution


Najla Said (IBM)

The LISP in the Machine: Real-time data with Clojure and Kafka


Joe Nash (Braintree)

Mobile senza Unity: il caso SBK

Game Dev

Giuseppe Navarria (Splash Damage)

Women super code lab – Improve your skills with TDD Pair Programming code session


Manuela Munaretto (XPeppers), Gabriele Lana (CleanCode), Filippo Liverani (XPeppers)

13:10 / 14:10Lunch break
14:10 / 14:50

Speeding up the Web with PHP 7


Rasmus Lerdorf (Etsy Inc.)

Android Wear iBeacon development


Kseniia Shumelchyk (SoftServe)

Swift and the future of iOS app development


Chiara Chiappini (Google)


Red Hat Mobile: Accellerate Mobile Development and Integration


Filippo Calà (Red Hat)

Monet: a NodeJS enterprise system for IoT and Energy Management


Matteo Murgida (Siemens S.p.A.)

Game design as a self-transformative practice


Stefano Gualeni (University of Malta)

Lab Handson: Cloud - Build a Microservices System with Bluemix


Rossella De Gaetano (IBM)

15:00 / 16:00

The Magic of Elixir

Functional Programming

Gabriele Lana (CleanCode)

remote working per un imprenditore, istruzioni all'uso


Francesco Fullone (Digitiamo)

Vagrant for real


Michele Orselli (RSLMHL80s05H199V)

Comparing different concurrency models on the JVM


Mario Fusco (Red Hat)


Hit him harder! The revenge of the technological rugby player


Andrea Maietta (Wide Care Services), Paolo Sale (AS Rugby Milano)

InvaderGames - Dalle Game Jam al Giapppone

Game Dev

Andrea Bonsignore (InvaderGames)

Lab Handson: Cloud - Build a Microservices System with Bluemix


Rossella De Gaetano (IBM)

16:00 / 16:20Coffee break
16:20 / 17:00

Da Angular a React - Un viaggio inaspettato


Salvatore Laisa (Contactlab)

The Little Shop of TDD Horrors


Giorgio Natili (Akamai Technologies)

The AutoScout24 Technology Change - crazy or trendsetting?


Simon Hohenadl (AutoScout24)

Lean Frontend Development


Matteo Guidotto (True Blue), Marco Solazzi (AQuest)

Designing Microservices based systems


Thiyagu Palanisamy (ThoughtWorks)

Windows 10 IOT Core

Makers / IoT

Mirco Vanini (proxima software)

Storytelling in games is (not) the new black

Game Dev

Matteo Pozzi (We Are Müesli)

17:10 / 17:50

Graphs are everywhere!

Big Data

Andrea Iacono (eBay)


Reactive Extensions (Rx) 101

Reactive Programming

Tamir Dresher (CodeValue)

It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native)


Gianluca Esposito (X-Team)

Docker 101


Luciano Fiandesio (Credit Suisse)

An Adventure with ESP8266 firmwares and IOT

Makers / IoT

Andrea De Gaetano (Darts Engineering)

Why You Should Start Making Games Right Now

Game Dev

Marina Rossi (Game Happens), Federico Fasce (Game Happens!)

18:00 / 18:20Closing
18:20 / 19:00Networking beer
11:20 / 12:00 Room 8
12:10 / 13:10 Room 1

Handling Millions of Concurrent Users with Erlang/OTP

Manuel Rubio

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 Room 4

Perché nel 2015 parliamo ancora di C++?

Marco Arena

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 Room 6
14:10 / 14:50 Room 1

Speeding up the Web with PHP 7

Rasmus Lerdorf

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 16:00 Room 4

Comparing different concurrency models on the JVM

Mario Fusco

Room 123 / Building G

14:10 / 14:50 Room 3

Swift and the future of iOS app development

Chiara Chiappini

Room 123 / Building G

14:10 / 14:50 Room 2

Android Wear iBeacon development

Kseniia Shumelchyk

Room 123 / Building G

14:10 / 14:50 Room 5
16:20 / 17:00 Room 2

The Little Shop of TDD Horrors

Giorgio Natili

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 Room 4

It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native)

Gianluca Esposito

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 GameDev

The evolution in the design of FATAL ERROR

Ciro Continisio

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 GameDev

Mobile senza Unity: il caso SBK

Giuseppe Navarria

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 16:00 GameDev

InvaderGames - Dalle Game Jam al Giapppone

Andrea Bonsignore

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 GameDev

Storytelling in games is (not) the new black

Matteo Pozzi

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 GameDev

Why You Should Start Making Games Right Now

Marina Rossi

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 4

Docker: Why, What, and For What?

Adrian Mouat

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 Room 5

IBM Bluemix: The Cloud APP revolution

Najla Said

Room 123 / Building G

14:10 / 14:50 Room 8

Lab Handson: Cloud - Build a Microservices System with Bluemix

Rossella De Gaetano

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room 3

The AutoScout24 Technology Change - crazy or trendsetting?

Simon Hohenadl

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 1

DevOoops (Increase awareness around DevOps infra security)

Gianluca Varisco

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room 4

Lean Frontend Development

Matteo Guidotto

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 5

How to use HP HEAVEN-on-demand functions for Big Data apps

Gianluigi Viganò

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 Room 3

Events storage and analysis with Riak at

Damien Krotkine

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 Room 1

Graphs are everywhere!

Andrea Iacono

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 3

UX for Developers. Seriously!

Agnieszka Naplocha

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 16:00 Room 2

remote working per un imprenditore, istruzioni all'uso

Francesco Fullone

Room 123 / Building G

14:10 / 14:50 GameDev

Game design as a self-transformative practice

Stefano Gualeni

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 16:00 Room 6
15:00 / 16:00 Room 3

Vagrant for real

Michele Orselli

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 Room 5

Docker 101

Luciano Fiandesio

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 6

Robotics for JS

Julian Cheal

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room 6

Windows 10 IOT Core

Mirco Vanini

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 Room 6

An Adventure with ESP8266 firmwares and IOT

Andrea De Gaetano

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 16:00 Room 1

The Magic of Elixir

Gabriele Lana

Room 123 / Building G

17:10 / 17:50 Room 3

Reactive Extensions (Rx) 101

Tamir Dresher

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room 2
14:10 / 14:50 Room 6
16:20 / 17:00 Room 5

Designing Microservices based systems

Thiyagu Palanisamy

Room 123 / Building G

12:10 / 13:10 Room 2

CSS3 Layouts: Flexbox vs CSS Grid

Sara Vieira

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room 1

Da Angular a React - Un viaggio inaspettato

Salvatore Laisa

Room 123 / Building G